Rabbibunny Village Man 2

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Rabbibunny Village Man 2

Rabbibunny [list all]


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Adult [list all]


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FunFrock's Reign [list all]


Neutral [list all]

Did you know that there is a Clear Water lake very near here. It is located close to the Door of the Sacred Carrot and it has a close connection with a prophecy.

- Rabbibunny Village Man 2


The Rabbibunny Village man is one of four residents of the Rabbibunny Village in the Hamalayi Mountains.

When Twinsen first reaches the village, he finds this rabbibunny standing at the edge of the village, by a car track that leads to the Mutant Factory. He is constantly being attacked by a mutant, and whenever Twinsen saves him from the mutant he is rewarded with a clover leaf.

After Twinsen destroys the Mutant Factory this villager can be seen walking up and down the carrot garden in the village. He gives Twinsen a clue of the location of the Clear Water Lake by saying it is very near the village.

Additional Quotes


- Rabbibunny Village Man 2

Phew, thanks!

- Rabbibunny Village Man 2