Pharmacist (Rabbibunny)
"Sorry I don't have anything for a Dino-Fly" - the rabbibunny pharmacist
A female rabbibunny who is the new pharmacist.
Role in Twinsen's adventure
Before Twinsen's defeat of Dr. FunFrock, the Quetch Pharmacist was killed by Twinsen when he was trying to collect some Apple Syrup. After FunFrock's fall, the pharmacist was replaced by a Rabbibunny. When Twinsen is looking for a cure for his Dino-Fly in LBA2, he meets this rabbibunny in the pharmacy, who incidently is the new pharmacist, after the old one died in LBA1. She tells Twinsen she does not have a cure for Dino-Fly, and distracts everyone in the room while a theif comes in and steals a customers umbrella.
Additional Quotes
"But I do have a customer who works for a healing wizard named Ker'aooc. He lives on Desert Island. According to my friend, he treats everybody for everything." -the pharmacist (rabbibunny)
"If you are interested in an item, stand in front of it and do 'action'" -the pharmacist (rabbibunny)
"Don't touch my cash register!" -the pharmacist (rabbibunny)
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