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[[Image:Note.gif|right|80px|thumb|Burgermaster's notes]]
[[Image:Note.gif|right|80px|frame|Burgermaster's notes]]

Revision as of 19:00, 7 December 2006

Burgermaster's notes

- unknown


The Burgermaster's notes provide instructions as to where the Francos Fragment is found. They were written by Roger de la Fontaine, the keeper of the fragment, who was eaten by a gas monster.

Role in Twinsen's adventure

During his second adventure, Twinsen had to find and unite the four Key Fragments. In his search for the Francos Fragment, he found Roger de la Fontaine's brother, who told him that Roger left instructions needed for finding the fragment. Twinsen found the key to the cupboard where the instructions were locked, and retrieved them for his own use.

Explaining the notes

  • With my eyes focused on the center of the bazaar, my back is glued to a natural parasol where I'd love to take a nap. The natural parasol mentioned is the big palm tree in the island. The person following the notes should stand with his back facing the tree, looking at the middle of the bazaar.
  • but I must keep a sportive mood. The person should be in a sportive mood, to get the correct number of steps.
  • It seems there are enough light posts and arches in the village to count the correct number of steps. The number of lamp-posts and arches is the number of steps that should be taken.
  • Once there, the fences to my left point in the wrong direction. It's on the other side, down in the basin near the gas that my buried treasure lies. The treasure hunter should not follow the fences to the left, but instead go right near the gas and dig there to retrieve the buried key fragment.

Additional quotes

- unknown
- unknown

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