Pharmacist (Rabbibunny)
From Twinsuniverse
Revision as of 04:24, 20 July 2008 by TwinsunInspector (Talk)
"Sorry I don't have anything for a Dino-Fly" - the rabbibunny pharmacist
A female rabbibunny who is the new pharmacist.
Role in Twinsen's adventure
When Twinsen is looking for a cure for his Dino-Fly in LBA2, he meets this rabbibunny in the pharmacy, who incidently is the new pharmacist, after the old one died in LBA1. She tells Twinsen she does not have a cure for Dino-Fly, and distracts everyone in the room while a theif comes in and steals a customers umbrella.
Additional Quotes
"But I do have a customer who works for a healing wizard named Ker'aooc. He lives on Desert Island. According to my friend, he treats everybody for everything." -the pharmacist (rabbibunny)
"If you are interested in an item, stand in front of it and do 'action'" -the pharmacist (rabbibunny)
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